In recent years, and even more now due to the pandemic, post-graduation life has been difficult for young innovators and entrepreneurs. Indeed, standing out on the job market has become an impossible task. As a matter of fact, all profiles share the same potential, i.e good schools, good experience and hard skills. Eventually, some turn towards entrepreneurship, and others attempt to lead the movement of innovation that many companies are lacking.
So, the real questions come down to how do you stand out as an innovator and entrepreneur? Which skills could become your best allies? This article will describe the 3 essential skills that Le Bridge program could bring you. Fortunately, we can help you diversify your profil as an entrepreneur and an innovator, so you can stand out on the job market.
Navigating uncertainty through experiential learning to grow the entrepreneurial mindset
In fact, if there is one thing that universities do not prepare us for, it is the uncertainty of our future. At university, you are in a safe space surrounded by familiar peers, campus faculty and teachers. Besides, the skills and notions have been practiced by many others before you. However, what happens when you are out in the open as an entrepreneur? First, you may find yourself starting a business that has most likely never been launched before. Second, you will enter a market that you barely know and hardly control. Eventually, the gap between theory and real-world practice needs to be filled.
Turning your entrepreneurial fears into strenghs
As young graduates and entrepreneurs, you may know the key concepts on how to lead or innovate. Nevertheless, applying these in the real world is not so easy. In reality, the environment is not as predictable. Often times, your possibilities are endless, and therefore overwhelming. At Schoolab, our ecosystem allows you to have a peripheral vision on all fronts: the startup world, the corporate world, and the academic world with partnerships with top universities. Eventually, navigating uncertainty is not so scary and overwhelming anymore. In other words, it becomes empowering to innovate, create, and lead. In our programs such as Le Bridge or La piscine, we turn your fears into the strengths of your project, not its restrictions.
I am so thankful for the coaching I received at Schoolab which pushed me to always go further. They allowed me to acquire the mindset to reach the success of my venture. No one else was going to do it for me, I had to get out in the dirt and push myself.
Laurent Pan, Bridge 2019, Secret de Peau

A global entrepreneurial mindset for opportunity spotting
Nowadays, students join the best business and management schools to work alongside with the top experts and leaders. Nevertheless, young entrepreneurs and innovators have not been exposed enough to various perspectives and adventures. As a matter of fact, observing and understanding the behaviors of your potential customers and competitors is anchored in real-life experiences.
Eventually, evolving in different environments may be the key to become an empowered innovator. Besides, the skills of adaptability allow you to draw fast connections between questions, problems and ideas. On the long term, practicing these skills may be the key to spot the opportunities of tomorrow.
3 countries, 3 experiences, 3 networks to launch innovative projets
As part of Le Bridge, you not only join a cohort of international leaders from all corners of the world, but you get to be immersed in three countries thanks to Schoolab’s global reach. From the growing and fast-moving pace of the French tech, to the original gold-mine of opportunities of the Silicon Valley, through the emerging markets of Vietnam Asian hub, you will learn how to navigate and adapt to each cultural differences. Indeed, it will open your mind to a wide range of perspectives, that could eventually be turned into opportunities.
Interestingly enough, Le Bridge program may be the only program in which the immersion process is executed on a double front. In fact, you are fully immersed on a personal and professional level. You interact with international team members, but you get to work directly with corporations, startups and investors from all over the world. At the end of the program, you’ll reach the status a a global entrepreneur.

Innovation at the services of tomorrow’s landscape
Entrepreneurship nowadays goes further than finding a way to escape the traditional and rigid job market. Indeed, it is so connected to innovation that you are not only working on a personal project, you are participating in the reshaping of the future. Moreover, having a long-term vision is key to understand the market in which you are planning to integrate.
A forward thinking approach to innovate for the planet and the people’s wellbeing
Schoolab incorporates Design Thinking into all of their trainings, which automatically drives all of the projects towards a forward thinking approach. Thus, opportunities can be better spotted. Eventually, it is about rethinking and anticipating needs and challenges. Alternatively, it is about offering solutions no one has ever thought before. Most importantly, it has to do with getting ready for the crises ahead.
For instance, our program Deplastify The Planet, offered to Bridge students at UC Berkeley, is at the forefront of using innovation to solve companies biggest environmental issues. This collaborative mission between the great researchers of UC Berkeley and the successful corporations of the Silicon Valley is the perfect practice field for young entrepreneurs. It brings them legitimacy and expands their professional network. Schoolab has made it its mission to accompany students and companies into the reshaping of tomorrow’s world. More specifically, innovation works at the service of the planet and people’s wellbeing.